Tuesday, October 6, 2015

This Day.

This day is beautiful and sunny and warm. But I wouldn't get too excited- things are bound to change. There most certainly will be another cold week or two or three.. And there's always potential for another snow fall.

NZ springtime is beautiful, there are cherry blossoms everywhere, yummy smelling flowers abounding and the sun FINALLY starts sticking around later than 4pm. It's glorious. 

Last year I was caught off guard on many occasions needing to have brought a cardi, or pack an extra layer for the kids... So this year I've tried to be a bit more on to it. Of course I'm not 100% successful, but I think my going rate is already better than last years. Hooray for the small successes, yeah? 

A lot of days go like this:

Wake up to cold temps (4-5C maybe?), layer up, layer children up, pack blankets into the car and head out for the day. Drop biggest at school. Go to beach in multiple layers with little ladies. Out of NOWHERE it gets hot and you must peel all layers off. All of them but the bottom layer.. And even then you're still feeling a bit too warm. Head home to put on shorts and tank top. This lasts about 1hr. Pick up big kid, play in remaining warmth.. Sun starts setting and layers pile back on, kids go to bed in winter jammies. And you keep layering up until you're a lump under a blanket wondering if you should turn the heater on. 

We like it here. That's for sure. 

Our biggest girl starts preschool soon. And I'm caught between wanting to rejoice and sing from the mountain tops and this faint bit of sadness... One whole day a week that she will be away from me. That 52 days a year! She's going to be off bringing smiles to someone else, singing and dancing and asking silly questions to someone else... That makes me a little sad. Once again, the ridiculous dichotomy that is motherhood. The battle between sadness and joy. Pushing forward and holding on. 

Grow on, sweet girl. Mommy will try to keep up. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Did you hear?

Someone did something they weren't supposed to. And someone offended someone else. And maybe we don't actually know what happened but we've heard this from someone else.. and since they know so many things it must be true. Why would anyone make something like this up? Or twist the truth to sound like this?

It doesn't really matter, so long as we have someone to talk about, right? Just to discuss. We're totally not judging. And this definitely isn't gossip. Yeah. Not gossip, because we just love them so much. (And seemingly can't wait to drag their name through the mud.)

Did you hear how they wanted to justify, themselves? So ridiculous! How could anyone ever think such behavior was alright? 

But we all know the truth. Right? They're such hypocrites.  And we're gonna talk about it forever. Keep bringing it up. Never let it die. (I mean, really, their behavior is appalling.)

Forgive and forget. That's what they tell us. But do we ever? Is it something we're even capable of? Not with everyone keeping score. 

To truly love someone is to see past the discretion, to have grace in the darkest of moments. Isn't this what Jesus taught? 

Love your neighbor as yourself? But I suppose if we all hate ourselves then this behavior makes perfect sense.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, ENDURES all things. Love never fails. 

Can we do this? Can we even stand the thought of not holding something over their heads?

They say time heals all, but what I've found is that time just makes the lines go fuzzy. Between right and wrong, fact or fiction. Cautionary tale or platform to tear someone else down.

Did she really say that or was that how I told the story? 

Round and round we go. Rude remark after crude remark. Hushed comments, snickers and eye rolling. (You see those splinters? Ghastly, don't you think?)

But what about the log in our own eye? 

Perhaps instead of waiting for an apology we always seem to feel owed we can look for things to make right. Think of ways we may have caused hurt. (No, certainly not me. I'm a respectable Christian woman.)

Maybe we can find better things to talk about, instead of constantly belittling those who have done wrong. 

Maybe we can discuss relationship issues within our marriages instead of enlisting outside opinions from family or friends. 

And perhaps we can keep things to ourselves that people have confided in us. 

But... Surely, you must have heard by now. 

Someone did something. And we're so relieved. Because maybe now we won't have to face ourselves. 

Sunday, July 19, 2015


If you know anything about me, you'll know that I love lists. I write to-do lists, prayer lists, packing lists, shopping lists, song lists...

Suffice to say- the list of my lists goes on and on.

There's something almost therapeutic for me to have a clear and concise view of goals or tasks at hand. My inner organizer rejoices when I get to cross things off. Completing a list is gratifying in the most fantastic way. I like to know what I need to get done, when it needs to be done by, what I'd like to do and perhaps something to get done today so I won't have to do it tomorrow. Can I get an amen?

If you'll remember, I also like birthday lists. Taking time each year as another candle finds its way onto my cake to reflect on the past year, life in general, the ups and down, etc, and compile my thoughts into some sort of, you guessed it, list. :)

I've reflected over this past year, and tried to piece together everything from my initial frustrations with finding out I was pregnant to our refusal to give into the fear doctors were trying to instill in us and to the absolute JOY this precious girl has brought me- I can't help but be overwhelmed with an incredible sense of hope. This year has been truly remarkable for me!

And what a beautiful thing to focus on for the next: 

With a hopeful heart I bid farewell to 25, and welcome 26 with open arms. 

Without further ado:

I hope to embrace this motherhood role with an increasing amount of joy and purpose. 

I hope to be able to focus on the positives and not be overwhelmed by the pressure that comes with raising three little humans. 

I hope to point these little people to Jesus at every possible turn. 

I hope to love with an increased ability and capacity. 

I hope to become more healthy: physically, emotionally and mentally.

I hope to keep up with swimming laps each week, and add in some other forms of exercise as my body continues healing from the insanity of having 3 babies in 3 1/2 years, bearing in mind that fitness does not define me. 

I hope to relish in the moments of Aubrey's littleness and not get caught up looking forward to her "next milestone." This goes for each of my children, really.

I hope to find a more realistic and productive way of managing stress and anxiety. 

I hope to be happy.

I hope to be steadfast and strong.

I hope to be a loving wife, a prayerful wife and a better friend to my husband. 

I hope to find peace amidst the chaos of raising these precious gifts that God has given us.

I hope to find time to study the Bible in depth.

I hope to seek the truth in everything, to not be persuaded by a well worded blog post, or to buy into every article in our click-bait filled world. 

I hope to become more knowledgeable in the things that matter to me and to find time to educate myself on the things I don't understand. 

I hope to find peace of mind. 

I hope to see a successful church plant in Pegasus, for the community there to be impacted by the love of God, the gospel of Jesus and the humble way we are trying to be a conduit for both of those things.

I hope Nic and I grow in our musical skills, in leading worship and inviting people into the presence of God.

I hope Nic and I grow in our marriage.

I hope our kids start sleeping more consistently. 

I hope to see my family and show them around this beautiful country I've come to call home.

I hope to find time to decorate our home and make it feel more like ours and less like a rental. 

I hope Charlotte gets into preschool and does well with that transition. 

I hope we get lots of family time, and make some lasting memories for our wee bunch. 

I hope we make progress with saving money for buying our first family home. 

I hope to find more time to write.

I hope to have grace for each moment, trying, trivial or wonderful as they may be.

And one more for good measure, let's be real y'all- more than anything-

I hope that I don't get pregnant. Like ever again. Ever. :)

{May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13 ESV}

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Secret Life of Mum's

Chapter One: &$@!ing Morningtime 

Without fail the early morning pitter patter of feet coming into your bedroom is met with sheer denial. It doesn't matter if it comes in the form of a cheery toddler or a grumpy kid, the response remains the same... 

*thud thud thud*
No, no, no, no, no, no, nope..
*shuffle shuffle shuffle*
Maybe if I don't move they'll go away...
"Moooomm.... Daaaad...."
 I'm not here. Just. Keep. Still...
*loud whisper* "Mom. Mooooom. Daddy!!" 
"Shhhhh, it's too early. Go back to bed, buddy."
Wait, what time is it? Oh. Okay. Sigh. 
"Hey buddy! Good morning. Hi! How was your sleep? Did you have good dreams? How are you feeling?? Let's go downstairs, shhhhhh."

Some days the conversation goes a little differently or the radio silence can last a bit longer but.. You get the idea.

Every. Single. Morning. 

Chapter Two: Breakfast

For centuries mums have been known to hide out, either on the kitchen floor or in the pantry (laundry room, broom closet, etc.) and eat their breakfast. *

Not because they crave a domestic aesthetic more pleasing than the sight of small children smearing oatmeal on a table, but because sometimes they just don't feel like sharing. Also, it can be a bit cumbersome- making breakfast for kids that are sure to reject it the second you sit down to eat your own. Even if it's the same thing. 

*Please note that the hiding out is not strictly associated with breakfast time. Hiding out can be practiced throughout the day whenever a mother sees fit. 

Chapter 3: The Chores

Ever wonder why it takes so long for laundry to get folded and put away? I can tell you.

Because it requires two hands, coffee-powered motivation, nap-less bedrooms, the stars to align, a dash of black magic and a big flashing DO NOT DISTURB sign. 

Admittedly, that's a bit of an exaggeration but, the first few needs are true- if the task requires two hands it likely isn't getting done until midnight.* Except for putting away the laundry, of course, because that requires bedrooms to be free of sleeping children. 

Good luck with that one, mom. 

Make a pb&j? Simple.
(Carefully) slice an apple or carrot sticks? Done.
Load the dishwasher or start a laundry cycle? Easy. 
Wipe down a countertop or spot sweep a kitchen? I can almost do that with my eyes closed. 

These chores are all easy because they only require the use of one hand, and since I'm always holding, rocking, bouncing or consoling a little one with my other, it's easy to get swamped by those two handed tasks. 

*This also answers the age-old queries: 
Why do the dishes pile up in the sink? Why doesn't the house get mopped? Why are there toys stuck all the way under the couch? 
Why are there cobwebs in every corner?
Why does she always look like she's about to fall asleep?

Say it with me now- if the task requires two hands it isn't getting done until midnight. 

Chapter Four: The Lies

Are you aware of the fact that probably a third of what your parents told you is untrue? Not because they outright wanted to deceive you but because sometimes it's fun to let little imaginations run wild--- and also, sometimes the truth is a little too much for tiny minds to deal with--And, even sometimes, it can be easier than dealing with the temperamental backlash of a toddler. 

Elf on a Shelf, Santa, Tooth Fairy, growing donuts out of Cheerios, replacing goldfish after they've died, sending beloved pets to a "farm"...

"All the gummy bears are gone, buddy!" 
"The steam coming out over there? That's the cloud factory!!" 
"This juice that I'm drinking? This is yucky. You won't like it."
"Maybe we will go to the park later!!"
"The paci fairy is coming to take your paci to the little babies that need them.."
"Mommy and daddy were just wrestling, honey!!"

See what I mean? The lies never end.

Chapter Five: The Husbands

Who signed up to walk with you through the thick and thin (including waist lines)?

Who's cheesy jokes are enough to bring a smile to your face? 

Who's very presence in a room can change the entire atmosphere of your home??

Yes, indeed, the man of your dreams, your very best friend, the one who did this to you.. However you look at it, he's your number one ally in the parenting world. The best person to navigate the back to back colds with, the diaper explosions while out grocery shopping, and the never ending questions from your budding preschooler. 

Stressful day? Give him a call.
Terrorist toddler strikes again? Nice long hug can cure all.
Anxiety wrecking your ability to even move? Lean in, take a deep breath and let him take the reigns. 

He's got you. 

Chapter Six: The Help

Where would mommies be without extra help from time to time? 

You can never understand the true value of helpful aunties, or friends who don't mind a couple extra kids for an afternoon, until you're a bit downtrodden, frazzled and in desperate need of a moment to run errands or clean without things immediately being destroyed or just sit and breathe.

Into your home they trot, fresh faced, polished and is that a little hope you can see in their eyes?? Not even a hint of fear or trepidation? They want to help you. 

And for the love of God, woman, take it.

We may never be able to fully verbalize the depth of our gratitude for people willing to step in and hold a little one for a while, or do the dishes, or take the big kids to the pool...  But believe me, it's DEEP. And heartfelt. And so very desperately needed. 

Chapter Seven: The Plans

There's an old saying, "Man plans and God laughs." But I think it really should be changed to, "Mothers plan and children do everything in their power to destroy them."

Suden illness, battle royale between siblings, lost shoes, diaper explosions, sudden need for food RIGHT NOW, broken zippers, meltdown over getting hair combed, peed in pants, stomping in muddy puddles, crying because of the lost shoes, "Oh look! All the toys in my room ended up on the floor!," dying of thirst, slow motion everything, someone got into mommy's makeup, someone found the sticker stash, someone fell asleep while waiting for everyone else to get ready, someone is behaving like a completely normal small child....

Just a few examples. Not that any of them have ever happened to me, cause I'm never late. My plans ALWAYS work out 100%. 


Chapter Eight: The Crying

There's lots of it. 

And I'm not talking about the kids.

I'm talking about the ugly, snotty, balled up on the floor weeping that comes after a hellish morning of bad tempers and there's no peace in sight. I'm talking 5 months post partum and you're working your butt off to slim down but your clothes still don't fit and you aren't comfortable in your own skin tears. Or the house is a wreck, kids are hell-bent on destruction, dinner is burnt, husband will be home any minute and all you wanted was to have a clean home and nice meal for him to come home to crying. And need I remind you of the late night, so very tired, and so very overwhelmed by every little thing, but trying to not wake your husband tears. 

see you, Mama. You're not alone. This mom life can be tough. It's exhausting. It's hard work that sometimes feels will never pay off. It's laundry, and dishes, and tempers, and chaos. It is all-consumingly, devastatingly wonderful.

Chapter Nine: The Happy Stuff

Here is where I want to end. 

The days are long but the years are so very short. Our babies turn into toddlers who turn into preschoolers... And let's face it, that's as far as I've gotten. 

But in the midst of all of the craziness are dozens, thousands really, of beautiful moments and memories to be had. 

Giggles in the blanket fort, ecstatic grins from being hoisted into air like a rocket, days spent entirely in jammies, baking messes from helping hands, swinging in the hammock together, nice long walks when springtime is making its entrance, breathing in sweet baby cuddles, freshly bathed toddlers without the slightest hint of grubby fingers or faces.. The list is endless.

And I think the ultimate secret of motherhood is to focus on these wonderful things, right? 

To let go of the frustrations that come with raising children and dig your heels in deep for the moments that matter. To not listen to the voices that tell you this is too much, or that you can't do it and just smile. To remember the monotonous moments as just little stepping stones to the sweet ones that really matter. To not take everything so seriously, let go of the need to control everything and just let kids be kids sometimes. Let love and joy dictate your day. Breathe them in while they're just a breath away. 

Oh, and hey, guess what... I suck at this. I get it downright backwards sometimes but I'm trying. And that's all anyone can really ask of me. 

And there you have it, all the secrets have been spilled. The lid has been blown right off. Can of beans- all over the floor.

No really, there's a can of beans on the floor that I need to clean up. Catch ya later. 

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.. Love never fails." 1 Corinthians 13:7

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


So many things to say, so little time to sit down and put them eloquently.

Aubrey Mae is her name, petite and pudgy is her game.  
We are absolutely in love with this little bundle and are soaking up as much of these early newborn moments as possible. I hesitate to say, only because of our track record with surprise pregnancies, she's perfectly completed our family. This sweet girl is the calm to Hudson and Charlotte's chaos. The happy glue that holds us all together. And she's nearly 3 months old. Which means taking care of 3 very little kids leaves me with very little time to sit down and write anything. Once again I am a puddle of sentiment and sadness; clouded by fresh bathed fuzzy head smooches and frantic cleaning between long nursing sessions; overwhelmed with delightful snuggles and dark-eyed drowsiness. We are so thankful to the Lord for her little life. She truly is our miracle! (More on that when I have more time. Seriously awesome testimony.) 

{We've lived in NZ for over a YEAR.}

How did this even happen? Where did the time go? How many rhetorical questions can I pose before moving on?! I know so much has already happened but it still seems impossible for it to have already been a year. I love it here, and it does feel like home to me, even though the reality of just how far I am officially sank in around Christmastime. And randomly sneaks in on me when I'm feeling a little down. I saw a picture of the Pacific Ocean and its HUGE presence on this side of the world, and I finally understood why it costs so much to fly here. You practically have to cover 1/3 of the Earth's surface area to get here! I miss my family terribly, and so desperately wish we were all closer but it will make the times I do get to see them all that much sweeter. We thankfully have two of Nic's sisters here, which really helps me to feel a bit more at ease about having the kids so far from all their Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents.  At least they have a couple Aunties nearby to love on them! And I have a couple of sisters to talk to and do fun things with, which in and of itself is ridiculously awesome, ya know- since I didn't have any "real" sisters up until about 5 years ago. Of course, we still have our wonderful abundance of Great Aunties and Uncles, Nana and cousins here, but it's extra special to have siblings nearby. You get what I mean. 

We still live in our awesome house with the big yard, although now that it's winter we've had to keep to the only warm room (don't get me started on the hilarity of NZ's lack of warm homes) and that's starting to drive me a bit mad. Keeping three kids indoors, in one room, is pure insanity. But it's the only real option this time of year. And that's okay for now.. So long as I remember to breathe deeply and take up afternoon drinking... I kid. 

About the deep breathing part. 

I often think of really poignant topics I'd like to write about. Or a fairly current event I'd like to voice an opinion on. But then life gets in the way and before I know it, the current event is old news, and I'm left writing about the only thing my brain can even focus on, motherhood. 

I've come to the realization that I'm just in a phase of life where most of my great ideas fail to begin, chores go unfinished, and my deep thoughts are better left to pillow talk. And that's okay for now. Again, so long as I remember to breathe deeply... And take up afternoon drinking. 

Okay, now I kid. I'll save the wine for when Nic comes home and can enjoy some with me. 

Until next time.

(I wouldn't hold your breath.)

Friday, March 6, 2015


This life. My world. Reality. Who doesn't love a play by play of the monotonous?

Just going about my day, looking after kids, trying to keep my head screwed between my two shoulders and I casually walk into the kitchen to get my lukewarm cup of coffee. Walking past the dining room I think;

"I need to take these chairs back into the living room." 

Pick up one of the two that need moving, carry it into living room. Tiedeously place it in its correct spot, and turn to head to get the other chair; 

"Oh, woops, didn't realize the kids got the blocks out this morning, I better pick those up." 

Bend down, pick up 1,000 blocks* and notice under the edge of the couch are a pair of shoes. 

"That's right! I wanted to get all the shoes picked up today! I think there are some by the front door as well."

Pick up shoes, and some trash left on the couch, grab other shoes by door and head upstairs. Put shoes in respective closets and toss trash in bathroom bin.

"Ugh. That's looking full. I'll take it out before it starts overflowing." 

Pull out bag, tie it shut, realize there are no more empty bags stuffed in the bottom of the bin. Head downstairs with bag of trash and mental note to replace the bags ASAP. Detour to second bathroom to check on trash status. 

"Just as I suspected, also needs emptying." 

Pick up bag and start tying it shut, when I hear from the yard- 

"MOOOOOOM!!!! AGHHHHH!!! $@!/&@%#+?!!!" 

"Hmm. That can't be good. Better go outside."

Set down both bags of trash and head outside. 

One kid has the other pinned to the ground with bike, and shows no remorse. Awesome.  

Split second decision to NOT flip out and instead, calmly approach and find out what happened. Turns out it was a collision and not at all on purpose. Phew. That was a close one. 

"Okay you guys, let's be careful around each other! It hurts when we wreck into each other! Are you okay? Do you want to go inside for a little while?"

No way, lady. 

"Alright, back inside.. Now what was I doing? Uhm.. Dishes? Was I sweeping? No... Vacuuming? No.. Laundry? Must have been that."

Walk to the laundry room, pull out finished load, fill up washer with new load-

"Hang on a sec.. There are some towels upstairs I wanted to add to this! Better run up and grab them so I can start this load." 

Start heading upstairs- 

"Nope. Kris. Go back. If you don't hang the clothes out now you'll forget and then they'll get smelly and gross.. You can get the towels later." 

Grab basket of clean wet clothes and walk to clothesline. Admire kids playing nicely together in sandbox.. 

"Oh crap, they saw me.. Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye conta... Hi baby!! Did you want to come help momma hang the clothes? What a sweetheart! You two, bubba?? Wow! Thank you so much!" 

Get clothes up on line as quickly as possible... Then spend a few minutes picking up "clean" wet clothes from the grass and surrounding area.. Hang these up to dry. 

"Thank you for helping guys, please try to remember to hand the clothes to mama instead of putting them on the ground! That would be even MORE helpful! Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?" 


"Let's go inside!" 

Make snacks, dump cold cup of coffee and clean up snack making mess. Try to keep one kid from seeing the other got an extra slice of apple...

"Alright, now what was I doing??... Well. Can't remember but I should definitely vacuum today. So I'll get that out of the way." 

Walk into laundry room to get vacuum out of closet, see open washer.. 


Yes, that's right. Vacuuming can wait. 

Walk towards stairs, see trash bags from earlier, and geniusly place in front of stairs so I can't forget on my way back down.. Get to bedroom and pause..

"Wait.. What was I doing?"

Long pause.

No clue.

Pick up clothes, tidy dresser, make bed. Sit down on edge of bed to send a text message to the hubby.. Get lost on Instagram and/or Facebook... Remember to text hubby and decide it's been too long since hearing the kids outside. 

Walk downstairs, grab trash bags, walk to back porch to put in garbage bins. 

Notice yard is eerily quiet. 

Check out the front of the house, no kids. Check by garage, no kids. Check by sandbox and see neighbor handing kids back through fence... 

"I had some visitors today!" "OH. MY. GAWD. Shirley, thank you so much! How did they get over there?! We have GOT to fix that fence! You guys! You can't leave the yard. EVER!!" 

Give talk to older toddler explaining why it is ALWAYS important to stay in the yard. ALWAYS! For the love of God, kid. ALWAYS. 

Promise self I'm not a terrible mother. Make new rule that kids are not allowed outside without me... Until the fence is fixed, that is. Haul kids inside, thank God they're okay, make mental note to bake neighbor some cupcakes and lock all the doors. 

"Wanna help me vacuum, you two!!?" 

No way, lady. 

"Well, then I'm gonna need you to help pick up the toys so they don't get sucked up, okay?" 

Uh-huh. Noooow they wanna help vacuum.

Chase kids to make mowhawks, get downstairs vacuumed, notice second chair still in dining room.. Make mental note to take it to the living room. 

"Hey you two, be sweet! That's enough fighting. Cut it out!" 

Hear beeping from washing machine.. 

"When on earth did I start that load?! DANGIT! I forgot to add the towels." 

Take vacuum to utility closet, get load out of washer, try to open door.. 

"What the!!?" 

Try again. 

"Oh yeeeeeah. I locked it to keep the kids from escaping.....

Kids, do you want to come outside while I put up some laundry!??" 

Stampede to the backyard. Random whines and cries..

Repeat earlier laundry process.

Debate staying outside to let kids play for a while... Nope. Housework needs to be done and they can play inside.

"Alright, you two! Time to head back inside! Let's go make lunch!!"

Always a good idea to bribe with food. 


Make lunch, clean lunch mess, start dishwasher. Attempt to put toaster away, miss the cabinet and drop toaster on counter spilling 1,000,000* crumbs. Clean up crumbs. Take little one up for nap. Notice the copious amount of toys in both bedrooms.. 

"WHEN did they even have time to do this?! Cleaning this up has to wait until after naptime. I need a break." 

"Okay, sleep tight sweetie. Love you!"

Remember empty bathroom trash bins and head down to get replacement bags.  Walk into dining room to find big kid has emptied every book out of the book spot. 

"Oh wow, bud! What are you doing? Do you want mama to come read some books with you?" 


"Okay, pick out a couple to read and put away the rest, please! I'm gonna make some coffee so I can relax with you!" 

Yes, mama. 

Boil jug and fill coffee cup while staring at phone. 


Nic must be home for lunch!

"Hi babe!"

Set coffee down. Kiss hello. 

"What can I make for you? How is your day going?" Random conversations ensue while making hubby's lunch. 

Kiss goodbye, back to work. Clean up lunch mess.

"Okay, what was I doing?.... Book! Coffee!... But where's the big one?!"


Wander around looking for big kid. Open door. Ugh. He got out when Nic left.

"Look, Mom!! The chickens gave us eggs!!" 

"That's so great, honey! Did you remember to close the door on the coop??"

Cluck, cluck, cluckitty cluck. 

That would be a no. 

"Okay, bud, take the eggs to the kitchen, please, and then come help get the chickens back in!" 

Cornering, trail of scraps, done. 
Back to the books, see the chair that needs put back in living room... Make mental note. Scratch the mental note. Do it now.

"Alright, bud. Mom needs to move this chair before I forget again. I'll be right back!"

Carry chair to living room, turn to head back to book reading/coffee drinking spot... 

"Oh my. The blocks. Again. Huuudson, honey? I need you to come here, please." 

Attempt to get help from toddler picking up 1,000* blocks. Attempt proves futile. Build castles instead. Remember wanting to make cupcakes for neighbor.

"Okay, Hud. Help me clean up so we can go make cupcakes!!" 

Always a good idea to bribe with baking. 

Make cupcakes, clean up cupcake making mess. Find forgotten cup of now cold coffee. Dump down the sink. Cry a little inside. 

"How is it only 1pm?"

Such good helpers, all the time :)

*slight exaggeration.