Tuesday, February 8, 2011

And this has been my Monday night....

It's amazing what sorts of people seem to fade in and out your life- one day you feel like you can't live a moment without them and the next you find yourself realizing its been 6 MONTHS since you spoke to them and you now know little to none about their exsistence. And you're either totally okay with that-- or like me, it absolutely breaks you heart.

I am the type of girl that loves and loves quickly and typically loves for forever. Even when people hurt me I can't really find it in me to ever really "let it go." I have this undying need to "fix" it and hopefully still be friends and ultimately my love for that person never goes away- I will always wish them well and hope for the best no matter what the future friendship looks like. I, too tho, am not dumb. I do have the ability to realize when a friendship is otherwise toxic and in turn it is much easier to "let go" of then if that person was a good, genuine friend. Nonetheless- I am still nowhere close to ever being able to stop caring for them- no matter how much they crushed my heart or trampled my spirt.

Why is that? I have no idea.

This Monday evening I have had the joy of Skyping with a dear friend of mine that I have known since I was a freshman in highschool- and now here I am married- nearly 8 years later and we can just sit and hang out talking about the most random thing that pops up in our minds. Its amazing! Sure- we have had our "ups" and "downs" and the occasional season of being too busy to even think about having a conversation- yet our friendship remains.

They always say that if at the end of a man's life he has one or two close friends then he is considered a RICH man.

I feel blessed. And I know that I really am. I truly have been blessed with some incredible friends. Not only friends but an amazing family. Each and every single one of my brothers and sisters hold a VERY special place in my heart and my parents are all fantastic at the very least. And yet sometimes in my own self-pity I forget to see past my pettiness. I forget to see past the fact that I am not surrounded with tons of friends like some sort of social butterfly. It's like I yearn for this ridiculous scene from high school where everyone around me is a friendly face and everyone around me wants to hang out Friday night.

I feel like I am finally learning that being some sort of socialite is NO where near as full-filling as having a few close friends and an even closer family.

I am rich, indeed.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Here on my side of the world this week, we had the most spectacular down pour of snow I believe I have ever seen outside of getting snowed in at our family cabin in Colorado back when I was in highschool. Kansas City was deemed to be in a "State of Emergency," complete with National Guard coming through and snow plows working overtime. I even got called out of a day and a half of work cause the roads were nearly impossible to drive on! Woot!

Nic and I, as you can imagine, spent every moment of my time off together and it was splendid. We walked in the snow and took adventures in snow boots..I even got to make that apple pie I have been wanting to make for weeks! So so much fun :)

Have I ever mentioned how much I adore this man I married? Cause it's endless :)

We got a kitten about a month ago (my belated Christmas gift!) and she has been a fun little addition to our family. She is full of quirky little cute things that are absolutely hilarious- she will come out of hiding under the couch to meow at us as if to let us know its bedtime, she loves oranges and apples, she is inLOVE with this brown blanket we got from our gift registry, she literally starts purring the moment she touches it, and she will come find us wherever we are in the house to let us know she's hungry- and would very much so enjoy our company at lunch. She seemingly insists we follow her to the kitchen where her tiny little bowls lay. We named her Banjo and it is definitely fitting- she is scruffy beyond belief and has the coloring of a crazy hill country kitty. All white except a couple splotches of orange and brown on her face and then her entire tail is striped. Basically the most precious kitty of all time :)

Nic has fully gotten back into the swing of rugby season- practice 3 days a week and of course, the working out that comes along with being in any sort of sport. The games don't start for another month or so. I do wish we didn't have to sacrifice so much of our time together for him to play but what I wish even more than that is that my husband would feel happy and have an outlet and some good friends to hang out with. Which is exactly what this is for him- a wonderful way to stay fit and a chance to play the game he has loved since he was a young lil' Kiwi. What's pretty exciting about it all is that the team is looking towards going pro by next season! They're already sponsored by Adidas and have an incredible stadium being built for their use as well as the KC Wizards (pro soccer team). It may not be a billion-dollar stadium like the Cowboys-- but who's to say that won't be in their future?? I am so excited for my honey- it's gonna be great to get to watch him play this season- and for many more to come!

I feel like I am running out of things to say- not because I am boring or anything-- just mostly cause I am sleepy. You wouldn't think working at a desk all day would wear you out, but my word-- I come home every day just about ready to crash!

Sooo I'm off- goodnight. Farewell for now-- I'll be back soon :)