Wednesday, July 17, 2013


People are truly amazing, aren't they?

I am learning this lesson over and over and over again.

Although not always necessarily in the same light hearted way I wish I could communicate.

I've discovered something in myself recently that I find a bit.. disheartening. I feel like I've always been aware of it.. Or at times even made excuses and further dug myself into this way of thinking. I easily find myself frustrated by others. The way they behave, what they think, the way they speak to me or others, the way they choose to express themselves, how slooooowly they walk in front of me,  all the way down to the funky-ass shoes they're wearing. {I mean, did you reaaaally see yourself in the mirror this morning and think to yourself, "This looks really good!"} Judgmental, awful thoughts flood my mind all of the time and it's terrible! I genuinely want to work on it. Or at least be more self aware and try to change my heart towards these people that grind me the wrong way. I know I will never be perfect, and let's face it, there are some extenuating circumstances that totally justify being irritated but... all in all, I need a change. Why? Because.. People are amazing.

While people can easily be frustrating and rub me the wrong way, they are still fascinating. I mean.. Rather than just reverting straight to frustration and wanting to shake them, shouting, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE THIS WAAAAY!!!" I just need to take a step back from the irritating circumstances and think- this is a unique individual. One who has their own convictions and beliefs, a past full of things that have shaped them to being this person, as well as a future that will continue to alter who they are- maybe not drastically but undeniably in some small ways. This person has a very distinct way of thinking, and while it may not line up with mine, it is still their own. The same passion or certainty I feel about certain things may be present in that person but in completely different realms, or on the opposite spectrum of the same subject.

And that is okay. And I am learning more and more every day to just be okay with that.

Lord, help me.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013



It's here.


Heat, humidity, thunderstorms, bugs, all the bells and whistles.

Something about this month really screams summer to me.. I don't know if it was the countless summer's of selling fireworks and looking forward to the arrival of July because that would be when people happened to start realizing it was time to buy for the 4th, or because my birthday happens to be this month {ahem... I will be entering my mid-twenties this year and I can't say I am too thrilled about it- I honestly still think I'm 22 when I first respond to people asking my age} or if it's just because this month remains untouched by regular school months, so it's engrained in my head to believe this is IT. The culmination of all I want to have my summer be takes place in July. BBQ's, fireworks, vacations, birthdays, and this year? My baby girl's arrival.

How exciting, right? I can't believe it is already July. As usual the due date {the 21st for those of you not keeping up ;)} doesn't reeeeally mean anything but that doesn't keep my heart from skipping a beat anytime a contraction is a liiiitle stronger and closer to the next than the last one. Nor does it keep people from staring as though it's some feat of nature that I am still able to walk around without clutching someone close and yelling that my water just broke like some ridiculous movie scene. {Which, by the way, is NOT very realistic.} No, I am still very much so looking ahead to the later days of this month with the thought that I will still be pregnant. Baby girl is welcome to arrive whenever, so long as her daddy is present.

Nic is still in Colorado for the Green Box Arts Festival, which means I am home alone until the 19th.

And by home alone, I mean with Hudson.

And by with Hudson, I mean Jesse {Nic's bro}  is also here.

So really I am not alone alone....

What can I say,  it just doesn't quite feel like home until my honey is here.

That being said, I am SO thankful to have our lil' brother here to help with Hudson. He can handle chasing after him on the playground with a little more ease than I can these days. And he eats the food I make, which is more than can be said of Hudson. Haha!

Our trips in June were really quite wonderful, nice and relaxing for the most part! I even managed to get a little suntan going. Legs are still as pale as the moon though.. Not sure how that happens. I think I got the gene from my mom. Dark arms, dark shoulders, dark face, dark thighs... Pale from the knees down. Haha :)  We started out in OKC for about 10 days. During that time MY little brother paid a visit and we went to an awesome water park for Father's Day. Kenneth and Nic conquered every water slide while Hudson and I kept cool between the toddler area and lazy river. Once it was time to leave OKC, we took a drive through OK to Dumas, TX- where we stopped for the night.  Then we drove from Dumas through NM to Colorado Springs where we stayed for a week. Jesse joined us on the 24th and then flew to NYC with Hudson and I on the 28th. I am so glad we got to go but I am also so sad that we had to leave so soon. The festival was finally starting to kick off  when we had to head home.. But that is alright. There will be next summer! And I will be toting 2 kiddies with me then! Crazy!! The flights home were delayed, as usual, which Nic took as a sign that we were supposed to stay. Haha.. If only! Despite the looooong day of travel Hudson did really well. Minimal meltdowns and not too much public humiliation on my end. I swear, this kid has more flights under his belt before the age of 2 than I had by the time I was 22. It's amazing how well he does with travel! I am really really proud of him!! I think it is safe to say, however, that by the time he is taking off on his next flight he will be over the age that he can stay in our laps and we'll have to pay for his teeny butt to occupy the seat between us... Instead of always hoping no one books that seat.

19 days, y'all. Better get ready, my mini me is on her way.