Speaking of milestones-- I'm not sure if this can be claimed as one but I will still take a moment to commemorate this wonderful occasion- my baby boy, the little man who has hated all things to do with "tummy time" since he was born, due to colic and reflux issues..
..has finally rolled into the world of mobility. And by that I mean, he is a rollin' machine. Anytime I put him on his belly its like.. BAM- he's rolled onto his back again. I can't imagine how frustrating that must be.. being stuck on your tummy, not being able to will yourself one way or the other and having to wait for your muscle tone to allow you to follow through with what your brain has been wanting for weeks. Lol. Poor boy. This is one proud mama.
Among the other exciting events of this week was another big one for us.. Nic FINALLY got his tattoo finished that he started a few weeks after moving here, along with the swallow that he got when he was 18. He had the top part of his 1/2 sleeve started in Sept of '09 . It was a 4 part process.. Lines, then shading, then lines, and finally the last bit of shading. I am just so happy for him! I know it's been a source of stress for a while.. It can be compared to starting a remodel on your house and not having the means to complete it for nearly 3 years.. and when that final piece of molding goes up, or the final coat on the cabinets goes on- there is a HUGE sigh of relief. So yes, my sweet hubby's "final coat" has been rolled on and we're just in the waiting process for the healing to finish. Which means lots of antibacterial soap and unscented lotion :) I also got a bit of work done... but alas- it is not quite complete.. which now I can start to see why Nic had the constant frustration every time he looked at his shoulder because it "wasn't done." I always thought it looked fine but no matter my kind words of affirmation he just was irritated that it wasn't done.. now I have a piece on my foot that he loves but every time I look at it I am met with disdain. I want it finished, dang it. Hopefully my wait won't be quite as long as his was!

We also can officially be deemed "redneck." At least for a short little while.. we took part in some pretty ridiculously redneck events this weekend. For one, Nic met some ladies at The Drum Room (the restaurant/bar that he bartends at) that were running the "Midwest RV Show" and they gave us free entry into the 4 day long convention. We went and it was awesome.. we were so shocked at how nice some of those things are! Like seriously nicer than any home I have ever lived in.. And I've lived in some pretty nice places growing up.. The one that stuck out the most to me had a fake fireplace, marble counter tops, stairs leading to the "master" bedroom and a loft for the kiddos. CRAZY! But now I can totally see why some people retire and move into those things. And another awesome part of it? They totally rigged the drawing for us. We are the proud winners of 4 lower level tickets to a royals game this June. What, whaaat?! We also went to.. I'm ashamed to say.. a liquidation sale. It was truly the most ghetto thing I have ever taken part in. I mean, I have always heard about them and wondered about how legit they were.. and now, I can safely say.. not at all. Not even a little. For one, we were truly the only white people in there, which would never really be an issue for us. It's not a big deal and not that odd for some KC events. But this time we were being watched. It was such a weird feeling.. We could just feel people's eyes burning holes into our backs. We should have turned around when the security guard at the front gave us "that" look- you know the one- the "what the heck are YOU doing here," look. Lol. Plus, all the "name brand" stuff they advertised were all easily 10+ years old. Oh well.. we went in with open minds and eyes buuut the overall lesson learned? NEVER go to a liquidation sale. Ever.
I am sure there are quite a few more things I could think of to ramble on about but I think for now, I will call it a day. As always, God bless and have a lovely day :)
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