Well, we are officially on the road to NYC.. I suppose we were technically on our way as of Saturday but we made a pit stop in Cincinatti to visit with our wonderful friends, the Boehne's, for a day or so. It was a quick one, but I am thankful nonetheless.
We have both been somewhat non-emotional about this move. I feel like there must be a part of me that doesn't believe it, or something like that. I have always been a sissy when it comes to goodbyes, and yet here I am, having to say goodbye to all of my dear friends in KC and all of our favorite places, and not a single tear was shed. I must be growing up... Or like I really suspect, just haven't fully wrapped my mind around what has taken place.
Anyways, in an effort to pull some sort of emotional response out of Nic and myself, I decided to sit down and make a list of things we would miss. Which instantly was backed up with an equally long list (if not slightly longer..) of things we would definitely not miss. Ha! Oh well. Tis life.
I must admit-- I lost the actual list we made so I am basing all of this off from memory... I'm sure you will be able to find some level of appreciation for them, whether you've made lists like these yourself or if you just have a good sense of humor. ;)
Things we WILL miss:
Our fave restaurants: Lulu's, Jerusalem Cafe, GrĂ¼nauer, OK Joe's (and other noteworthy BBQ joints), and Blanc.
Our favorite places: WWI memorial- this place holds TOO many memories to try and list. We fell in love and got engaged there... to name a few; Loose Park- same sort of sentiment as the previous, there's just so much that took place in that beautiful park that has everything to do with us being together. River Market- pretty self explanatory. The cool downtown library.
We're going to miss taking random drives around town, KC is surprisingly a beautiful city with LOTS of cool neighborhoods and buildings and random country roads lined with trees. Also, taking runs through those areas will be missed!
We are going to miss having Tashie live with us! It has been so fun sharing our home with her and getting to know her better. And I think it is safe to say we are definitely going to miss having the "live-in babysitter." Haha!
Definitely going to miss all of the cool thunderstorms.. There are few things I love more in life than being cuddled in bed, listening to a thunderstorm roll by.
We are going to miss having Tashie live with us! It has been so fun sharing our home with her and getting to know her better. And I think it is safe to say we are definitely going to miss having the "live-in babysitter." Haha!
Definitely going to miss all of the cool thunderstorms.. There are few things I love more in life than being cuddled in bed, listening to a thunderstorm roll by.
The IHOP prayer room- truly one of the most peaceful, challenging and wonderfully places I have ever encountered. And although we can turn on the web stream whenever we please, it's just such a different experience actually being able to sit in there and soak it all in.
And last but not least, our friends. Each and every single one of them. We have met some truly incredible people while living in the Midwest and although I know it still hasn't hit me fully, I already miss everyone. It's gonna be terrible not having Kelly and Salem to meet for a Target trip or park visit, not having my wonderful Ashley's always down for a dinner date, both Gabbard families in their entirety, the Lubbers and Bailey's to share holiday meals and Sunday dinners with, the Albaugh's for random hang-outs and meet-ups, miss Brit for quick chats and meet ups on random street corners for the heck of it, the list just goes on... I am really really gonna miss everyone.
We really AREN'T going to miss:
All the freakin crusty kids on every corner riding their hipster-ass fixie bikes! Judging me for putting cream in my coffee, sometimes buying non-organic food and taking a shower more than once a month. Lol. And this includes our loud upstairs neighbors that stomp like elephants and have drunken rampages that sound like someone is tripping out on bath salts.
Not gonna miss the humidity. Not one bit.
Terrible drivers that ride in the fast lane traveling approx 20mph below the speed limit. Eat my dust, suckas! I'm goin to New York where EVERYONE speeds ;P Oh and not to mention, everything being at least a 20 minute drive away.
You'll have to bear with me on this one but.. We're not going to miss all the flaky IHOPer's out there. Seriously a dime a dozen.. I know I have spaced it on returning phone calls, emails, and such but it literally feels like these kids do it on purpose. I can't tell you how many unanswered texts, messages, phone calls, etc I've had to let roll off my back and grin instead of give the cold shoulder in the name of forgiveness.
Inside joke but it has to be listed.. We reeeeaaallly aren't gonna miss the 3B's...
Nic's number one thing he won't miss are the terrible employers he's run into in KC! I'm pretty sure my poor husband has not worked for an honest, good man in years..
Not gonna miss all the bugs! There's nothing worse than waking up to find a new constellation pattern of mosquito bites on your leg.
Not gonna miss the lack of a good skyline. Apart from the good view of downtown, KC is as flat as a chalkboard. Not so pretty to look at.
Not gonna miss the lack of a good skyline. Apart from the good view of downtown, KC is as flat as a chalkboard. Not so pretty to look at.
Hahaha... Not quite how I imagined it looking but I think it works.
We do have a lot we will miss and maybe more will hit us as time goes by... But for now we have so much to look forward to. And I genuinely can't wait to see all that NYC has to offer. It will be an adventure in the very least.
We do have a lot we will miss and maybe more will hit us as time goes by... But for now we have so much to look forward to. And I genuinely can't wait to see all that NYC has to offer. It will be an adventure in the very least.
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