This by no means is a start to a crafting blog or something you can look to for new recipes on a regular basis, I mean, I can almost guarantee you that I will never be capable of making a regular post on any one subject. BUT for now- this will be a first, among probably many more, where I share the different sorts of things I've been up to. Not cause I feel you need advice on how to do stuff.. but mostly cause I'm pretty stoked on the fact that I have done all of this. It's just pretty exciting stuff. And besides, this is my blog, I can do with it what I want ;)
I suppose I'll start with the crafty type things.. I must give credit where it is due- and let me just say- none of these ideas are mine. I tend to see things, get inspired and make something very similar and just have my own personal touch to it. For one, the wreath making thing? My dear friend Ronnin converted our usual Wednesday night ladies Bible Study into a craft night a couple months ago and we all did our best to make some. Using yarn, or twine in my case, and hot glue to make felt flowers. I fell in love with it and decided I needed to expound on that and keep trying to perfect the process..

So- I think for a first attempt it turned out quite nicely! The felt flowers all were nice and easy to figure out, and I just so happened to have a stellar collection of different vintagey looking buttons from my Grandma Button's tin that sat around my parents house for as long as I can remember (not unused of course, I am sure my mom dove into it from time to time). I snagged a good handful when I moved out when I was 18 "just in case." And I am so very glad I did so.. However-- I am afraid I didn't get quite enough for my new found obsession with crafting. So mom, if you're reading this.. I'm comin for ya. I need more buttons ;)
So after realizing a wreath is a fairly easy thing to accomplish I decided to venture a little further into this world of creativity and thought an "H" to hang on our front door would be quite fitting. Rather than felt flowers I thought I'd give lace a try. Plus, it gave me another awesome excuse to go to my favorite store, Hobby Lobby, (for all future references to my "favorite store," please know I am speaking of this glorious establishment) and rummage through their piles and piles of supplies for any possible craft my heart could possibly determine to create. And this is what I came up with..
After realizing I could in fact, create things when I put my mind to it, I decided I would hand-make a Valentine's day card for my beloved husband. And something beyond my usual little cut-out of brown paper and some tracing of a silly picture to coincide with whatever occasion might call for a card. (in this household it could be something as simple as "Hooray, You're home from work!") I was gonna get "serious" in this card making business and use top of the line card stock from my favorite store. And by top of the line, I mean their $3.99 bag of "Card stock scraps." That is literally what it is called.. It's a collection of scrap size pieces of different colors of card stock and a few other types of paper. I never quite know what I am wanting when I set out to make things so I figured I would cover all of my bases and get an assortment of colors, types, etc. And once again, I am SO glad I did. Little did I know, this would open the door to making many more cards in the future. I am not even close to running out.

When I first moved out to KC, my ever artistic roomies, Allyson and Kelly, introduced me into the world of canvas painting, and let me just say, I am NOT an artist. Especially in the light that they are. These girls are amazing while I paint things that would compare to a cartoon. Nothing sophisticated. Just simple. And while I've dabbled here and there with various painting projects (I even wound up painting all of my family members gifts for Christmas the first year I moved out here, bible school kids are broke, k?!... Erm.. sorry again, guys. Haha.) I finally realized the potential for my "simple" style and made some pieces for our home. Once again, thanks to my favorite store and their awesome rotating sales on supplies, these babies were nice and affordable.
And the last thing is something I worked on just this last week.... And will likely tear up and try again. I am not the biggest fan of how these turned out but now that I know how to do it I will be better prepared for the next round :) Super simple. 3 key components.. Tile, paper, and modge podge. A few light coats later and voila! Easy coasters!
I think for now I will cut this off and post recipes and delicious and easy foods to try and such another time.
Cheers, loves!
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