{UPDATE: I finished my list, thank God!}
I don't really even know how to start this one out.. I saw a blog post on a Mommy Blog Site I follow ever so often, where one of the authors there challenged herself to compile a list of 100 words, 100 things she would like to be. I found this to be so very intriguing and couldn't help but try and make a similar list for myself. And of course, found my blog the most suitable place to do so.
For being someone who is usually up for making lists of any kind, I had a tough time with this. I have been so surprised throughout this process! I think the first time I opened up this new post was just about a month ago.. And I keep coming back to it and adding a new word whenever I am inspired by someone or something I see or a scripture I read. The first 10 were a breeze, getting into the 20's had me reciting memory verses from Sunday School about the fruits of the Spirit, 30's were pretty randomly selected annnnnd once I got to the 60's I was pretty much desperate for new words. I won't lie to you-- I even looked up the Scout's Code of Honor just to get some inspiration for some new list-worthy words. {And yes, a few of them even made it on there.} I remember hearing each of my brothers repeat that list of words, over and over again, at every single one of the countless Boy Scout's events I was dragged to in my childhood. I remember the internal struggle of wanting to be "campfire savvy" like my dad and brothers {and let's face it, my mom was pretty kick butt with the outdoorsy stuff, too} all while still wanting to maintain my dainty physique and poise. Wilderness Barbie, if you will. Ah yes, the joys of being the only daughter amongst 4 boys. The rose amongst the thorns, as my dad used to put it.
Anyways, back to the topic, you can find the original post that inspired me here. And you may be disappointed to find, although I hope you will be understanding-- my list is yet to be completed. I don't want to just start putting words down for the sake of completing a list.. I want real, honest things here.. So for now it will remain unfinished. I will finish it, my goodness. Just not tonight.
1. Loving
2. Christ-like
3. Compassionate
4. Generous
5. Funny
6. Kind
7. Humble
8. Caring
9. Thoughtful
10. Bright
11. Spirited
12. Joyful
13. Musical
14. Creative
15. Sweet
16. Domestic
17. Healthy
18. Playful
19. Wise
20. Inquisitive
21. Intelligent
22. Gracious
23. Faithful
24. Patient
25. Peaceful
26. Gentle
27. Merciful
28. Determined
29. Maternal
30. Caring
31. Adventurous
32. Fun
33. Dreamer
34. Talented
35. Blessed
36. Clever
37. Resourceful
38. Silly
39. Slender
40. Grateful
41. Nurturing
42. Giving
43. Balanced
44. Affectionate
45. Talkative
46. Strong
47. Witty
48. Inventive
49. Godly
50. Interesting
51. Meek
52. Smart
53. Discerning
54. Hospitable
55. Secure
56. Aware
57. Composed
58. Trusting
59. Trustworthy
60. Secure
61. Protector
62. Friendly
63. Hopeful
64. Noble
65. Beautiful
66. Respectable
67. Honorable
68. Kissable
69. Dependable
70. Cheerful
71. Loyal
72. Brave
73. Encouraging
74. Relatable
75. Inventive
76. Lovely
77. Prompt
78. Ambitious
79. Considerate
80. Devoted
81. Flexible
82. Decisive
83. Positive
84. Forgiving
85. Sincere
86. Devoted
87. Fair
88. Courageous
89. Honest
90. Confident
91. Pure-of-heart
92. Responsible
93. Diligent
94. Selfless
95. Tactful
96. Zealous
97. Understanding
98. Successful
99. Virtuous
100. Radiant
Do you have 100 words that you can use? Better yet, or maybe just a little easier, your top 10 words that you want to describe you?
I think the only real way for me to complete this is to really truly search my heart... I don't want to be doing this just as a challenge to see if I have a vast enough vocabulary to list 100 positive words I'd like to be associated with myself. I can't just conjure up this brilliant list of fancy describing words without genuinely taking a look at who I am, who I have been, who I want to be.. And I believe all of these words are God-breathed. Maybe that's silly to you, but I don't care. He is my Creator, who knows me better than I know myself, and ultimately HE is the only one who can stitch these attributes into me. Into this person that I long to be. Write these words upon my heart.
So who do I want to be?
This is a topic that can yet never should be taken lightly, in my opinion.
I want to be a God-fearing, Christ-like woman who passionately seeks her Heavenly Father, honors and loves her husband, and nurtures and adores her children.
I want to be a healthful and fit woman that can keep up with, better yet stay one step ahead of, even the rowdiest of kiddos.
I tend to want to be everything to everyone, which I have come to learn is a very slippery slope. I like to be the one who always has advice, the one who can offer up a word of encouragement or wisdom at the drop of a hat, the one who always brings fresh baked treats to gatherings, the one who can cook anything anyone ever wants to try, the one who cheers up even the angriest of folks, the one who takes care of everyone all the time, the one who takes pictures and documents all of lives important moments, is well-read and knowledgeable about everything, the one with a supply of Tylenol or Ibuprofen {not even kidding, for the better part of my adolescence and into my adulthood I have always carried Aspirin and Benadryl with me incase someone around me were to happen to have a heart attack or allergic reaction}, an extra pen to hand you when you need something to write with, always has an extra stick of gum, etc.
I mean really, is that too much to ask??
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