Sunday, November 13, 2011

Must. Stop. Snacking.

"He put a new song in my mouth and a crown upon my head- He gave me life forever more."

I sit down to write this with coffee in hand, a napping baby and a song upon my heart. I am absolutely joyful this afternoon and it feels great.

I was thinking about what to write and perusing the stream of status updates on facebook and I got to thinking.. I know I touched on it in my last post but really, we are an incredibly blessed people in this country and it is far too often that we are quick to complain. Quick to spread the depressing undertones of what our daily mundane life may include.Quick to grumble about being bored, not having motivation to go for that run we've been promising ourselves for weeks that we would go on, about our friends blowing us off... I know I am not completely innocent of this! Even since my wonderful son has been born I know I have posted a few things about being overly tired- or stressed because of his screaming. It's very easy feel sorry for yourself when you lose sight of what it is you truly are living for. More so, Who we are meant to be living for.

The truth is- life is hard.

It is most definitely tough and it likes to give us a beating from time to time. Friendships are going to be broken, families will fight, bosses will be unfair, and I can assure you- terrible drivers WILL cut you off on your way around town. Heartache and frustration are inescapable in this life.

The bigger truth is that life is beautiful. And we are so blessed.

I think we, as a whole, tend to forget to mark the moments that we genuinely feel great- overwhelmed with joy- happy- content-loved- really just any positive feeling. Instead we just flood our "feed" with a well thought out stab to whatever has just happened to you or whoever upset you or a well-versed description of the crippling sadness that has overwhelmed your heart.

Our world has become increasingly quick. Quick in communication, we have an endless supply of social networks where we with the click of a button can relay any information that we deem important to share with our world of "followers" or "friends." Or just anyone willing to read them, really.

I want to break this trend. Or more-so rise above it.

I genuinely want to put forth an effort to only allow positive remarks to come from my mouth. To escape from my quickly moving fingers while I type on my laptop or cell phone. It's an early New Year's Resolution, I suppose.

I know I get sick of reading such foul posts, such negative remarks. I can't be the only one. I'm not talking about genuinely tough days- I understand that a quick status update can be a great way to vent about a hard day or situation. But c'mon- everytime it rains I feel like the majority or everyone has something negative to say about it. Every single Sunday night is bound to have countless complaints stating the dread for the upcoming Monday morning to be faced. How about being grateful for the gift?! Being grateful that you aren't somewhere that it never rains and are in constant danger of wildfires? Grateful to have a JOB to get to that funds the ridiculous weekend you had that is what is leaving you so sleepy in the first place?! I mean I know that's probably a terrible example but you catch my drift.

So aside from my usual New Year's Resolution to "eat better"- I am going to include positivity. Daily. NO matter what.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

With Thanksgiving fast approaching I see people all over facebook, instagram and other social networks posting things they are thankful for.. Be it sentimental or something not so meaningful like chai latte's or shopping sprees. No matter what it is they post, it is quite refreshing to have the constant stream of positive comments and cheery explanations about why they are so thankful. I'd much rather read these sorts of posts over the usual complaints about it being "Monday," or having a tough day cause "no one will text me.." It's a nice reminder that we, especially if we even have the means to access something like facebook to complain on, truly have SO much to be thankful for.

Forget this "we are the 99%" crap for one moment and look at how lucky we are to be in America. To have a roof over our heads. Plenty of food to eat. And yes, corporations that supply any possible "need" someone could muster up. I won't get started on all that.. cause there are a few of their arguments I agree with but mostly I just want them to shut up. :)

Among all the things I could possibly point out in my life that I feel blessed to have the biggest would be, of course, my Lord and Savior. I would be so very lost and so very messed up without His continual guidance and love. The close second would, duh, be my wonderful husband Nic. I love him so very very much and without him I would be a very sad individual. Is so many more ways than one. Next would obviously be my wonderful little son, Hudson, who is currently napping, which I am also very thankful for. And after that would come my wonderful family and friends. One of whom are currently visiting! My beautiful friend, Amanda, is here from Tucson for a long weekend and I have just loved spending time with her! Its crazy to think that just over 2 years ago we were still living together.. My how time flies and how quickly things can change.

It's a beautiful thing when the Lord allows certain people to be a part of your life for a long time.. Beyond my family member she is one of the few people I have known for a big portion of my life (we've been nearly inseparable for 7 years!) She is just wonderful and I am so blessed that she has stuck around, seen me through some funny and awkward phases, stood with me as my maid of honor, and is here today rocking my son to sleep.

WOW. I am blessed. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is my life. Consumed.


My life since the last post has been a whirlwind beyond compare to anything I have ever experienced in my life. I have been so surprised at how this new role as "mum" has consumed me. I used to judge mom's who couldn't keep their homes in order, who hardly got out of pj's before the afternoon hours, etc. The truth is, at Hudson's age , my life is everything but my own! I jokingly compare it to being held hostage in my own home by a very tiny little man who's only tactic is to cry and feed incessantly. I have somehow been blessed with a quiet morning with a sleeping infant and a clean house.. this is the first time this has happened since our little man has entered this world.

This new man in my life was born September 15th to a very tired mum and dad, weighing in at 7lbs 1oz, 19 inches long.. and suddenly consuming our world. I had a long and tough 58 hours of labor but it was all worth it once I got to hold that tiny little body in my arms. I can remember the very moment he was born.. I was terrified! I actually closed my eyes in disbelief and couldn't bring myself to open them until I heard his first wee cry. I couldn't believe that he had finally arrived- my pregnancy was over- I now had a SON- I'm a mom- I have a life that depends on my entirely-- it was overwhelming beyond description.

Suffice to say, this new role has totally consumed me. There is no better word.

Consume. To destroy or expend by use; use up.

I, of course, mean this in the best way- I am by no means complaining about this. I love this life! It has just been surprising how much has been not even remotely what I was expecting.

There are now 3 men in my life that demand total and complete consumption, dedication, essentially- a surrendering of all that I am unto them. My Lord, my husband and now, my son. It's a big of a tall order, but each one helps me to take care of the next... It's a pretty neat "hierarchy." Sounds strange I am sure- so I will explain. My Heavenly Father alone can give me the strength, wisdom, patience, provision, balance, grace and mercy to be a good wife and mom. (not to mention the fact that he GAVE me both of these men in my life.. such an incredible gift) My husband encourages me, strengthens me, loves me and works to provide the means to take care of our son. It's a pretty sweet deal. God is just so good.

Nic has taken up a second job bar-tending at the downtown Hilton here in KC. We both had expected to be met with adverse opinions about this, considering the fact that we are God-fearing Christians, not to mention worship leaders at our local church... But we have been pleasantly surprised that most have totally supported the change. In fact, they applaud it! The beautiful thing about it is that Nic has an opportunity every single time he walks into that bar to meet people where they are at. No judgement. No preconceived notions. He gets to minister the love of God in the most unlikely of places- and whats more- share his testimony. A testimony that stirs hearts to move. stirs hearts to love God. People tend to get very chatty with their bartender and quite frankly, they're extremely shocked to hear about a young married man, with a brand new son, who loves the Lord, and is always looking to Him for direction and guidance. It's a beautiful thing. I get to stay at home with Hudson, and Nic works hard and gets to share about our Father. I am just so very proud of my wonderful husband.