It doesn't really matter, so long as we have someone to talk about, right? Just to discuss. We're totally not judging. And this definitely isn't gossip. Yeah. Not gossip, because we just love them so much. (And seemingly can't wait to drag their name through the mud.)
Did you hear how they wanted to justify, themselves? So ridiculous! How could anyone ever think such behavior was alright?
But we all know the truth. Right? They're such hypocrites. And we're gonna talk about it forever. Keep bringing it up. Never let it die. (I mean, really, their behavior is appalling.)
Forgive and forget. That's what they tell us. But do we ever? Is it something we're even capable of? Not with everyone keeping score.
To truly love someone is to see past the discretion, to have grace in the darkest of moments. Isn't this what Jesus taught?
Love your neighbor as yourself? But I suppose if we all hate ourselves then this behavior makes perfect sense.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, ENDURES all things. Love never fails.
Can we do this? Can we even stand the thought of not holding something over their heads?
They say time heals all, but what I've found is that time just makes the lines go fuzzy. Between right and wrong, fact or fiction. Cautionary tale or platform to tear someone else down.
Did she really say that or was that how I told the story?
Round and round we go. Rude remark after crude remark. Hushed comments, snickers and eye rolling. (You see those splinters? Ghastly, don't you think?)
But what about the log in our own eye?
Perhaps instead of waiting for an apology we always seem to feel owed we can look for things to make right. Think of ways we may have caused hurt. (No, certainly not me. I'm a respectable Christian woman.)
Maybe we can find better things to talk about, instead of constantly belittling those who have done wrong.
Maybe we can discuss relationship issues within our marriages instead of enlisting outside opinions from family or friends.
And perhaps we can keep things to ourselves that people have confided in us.
But... Surely, you must have heard by now.
Someone did something. And we're so relieved. Because maybe now we won't have to face ourselves.