Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life comes at you fast, doesn't it?

I'm not even going to pretend that it shocks me that I haven't updated in a few weeks. My life was already busy and random and that has certainly not changed at all with the arrival of our precious son.

Yet another holiday has come and gone and it definitely was a good one! Christmas is a very special time of year... and although it was sad to not be with family our hearts were still filled with joy and we were overcome with the love of our Father. We have spent the past few years a little too "poor" to get gifts for friends or family but we made it a priority to cover our families (all 18 of them!) before we even thought about each others gifts. And we stayed true to that! And I am fully convinced that the Lord honored us for that! Nic had a very unexpected "big" weekend at the bar and we were thankfully able to go shopping for Hudson and each other. SUCH a blessing.

We have been so very lucky to make some wonderful friends while in Kansas City. Most of which have become more-like mentors to us than anything. The majority of the people we would consider to be "peers" have all left in these past few months and it is getting tougher and tougher to say good-bye. When moving here to become a part of IHOP we both were well aware of the fact that many people only come to stay for a few years before branching out to bigger and better things.. But knowing that beforehand hasn't really made things any easier. Although many have left we do still have such wonderful friends still remaining in Kansas City. And the holiday season has made us even more aware of this fact.

We have found ourselves at home in Kansas City for nearly 2 1/2 years now and we both are feeling that our time here is drawing to an end. Chances are, by June of this next year, we will be calling a different part of the country (or can't deny the possibility.. world) our home. It is an exciting feeling and also somewhat intimidating. Who knows where we might end up!? Only God does at this point. We have been immensely blessed during our time here and the Lord has never ceased to provide and keep us on our feet! But we are becoming restless. It is time to move on, break out of our little comfort zone and see what opportunities the Lord has for us!

Our little sister, Melissa, was here in town around Thanksgiving and stayed for 2 1/2 weeks! She is definitely a "baby whisperer" and had the magic touch when it came to calming our colicky baby. I genuinely enjoyed every moment of her visit! It was great to have some time to get to know her better and it was WAY fun to celebrate her 18th birthday while she was here, as well. Hopefully the rest of our siblings will find a way to make it out here in the next few months before we jet off to some other place!

I'm amazed that Hudson is already 3 months old.. It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting here pounding away on my laptop, frustrated that I was still pregnant, and that he still wasn't here. And now I have a 15lb hunk of burning love napping on the couch. Let it be said that I feel that I may have THE strongest 3 month old ever. He stands up already, not entirely on his own but he is WAY close- and he already as the "scoot" down that is the prelude to the much anticipated crawl. Crazy. Also, not to brag or anything, but this kid sleeps like a champ. Typically 8-10 hour stretches overnight. We even got 12 hours a few nights ago, course he woke up at 9 for a top off feeding, but then crashed for another 3 hours. Thank you, Jesus. I feel blessed.

Wanna know what I haven't complained about in a while? My weight.
Guess what I am still not gonna complain about.... My weight!
I know, I know... I'm growing up.

Until next time, (Let's not kid ourselves.. It's likely gonna be about 2-3 weeks before the next check in) much love and God bless!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pizza on a muffin.

Yep.. I definitely need to go grocery shopping. I found myself getting very creative tonight! Leftover spaghetti sauce, cheese and pepperonis on an English muffin that was a tad on the stale side. Once it all broiled for a bit in the over it turned out to be quite good.. I've gotta remember that one for when little man is old enough to eat "grown up food." I mean, that must be better for you than a regular pizza right? Or at least that is what I am going to keep telling myself ;)

I spend half of my week cooking for just myself so I never really think about keeping much food around except for the nights Nic is home and I get to make a big dinner.. Cooking and baking is a love of mine! I have so much fun trying to get fancy pants or playing it safe and cooking some classics (i.e. homemade chicken pot pie- yum!) I can't wait to be that mom that always has fresh, albeit healthy, baked goods always on the counter ready for consumption! I've always wondered what I would study if I did ever wind up going back to school to get a degree... I think Nutrition would be a really cool field to look into. It's pretty fascinating. I LOVE making fantastic foods that are sneakily very good for you.. Hmmmm..

That, or hair school ;)

Thanksgiving has already come and gone and I just cannot seem to get into the holiday swing of things! It all has gone by so quickly.. It's amazing to me how time just literally flies by! I mean, it isn't an over-used saying for nothing. I am already looking at my precious (almost!) 3 month old wondering where the time went... It was just yesterday that I was bringing him home in a tiny little bundle... And now here I am with a 14lber who gets closer and closer to sitting up on his own every day.. Wow!

Being a mom is just amazing. God is so so good to me... I continually pray for guidance and wisdom to be a better mom.. I know this is only the beginning but I am truly loving it. I met my very first "mom friend" tonight, we met up for some yummy chai and chat and let me say, I am absolutely thrilled! It is so nice to finally have a friend I can relate to. She is wonderful and she has the most precious chunky 4 month old little boy.. Hopefully Hudsy and him can become great friends!

Talk of Nic, Hudson and I moving to New Zealand is becoming quite the frequent topic and I would be lying if I said I wasn't having a hard time with it! In theory it is all just too good to be true... but the thought of leaving my family behind is just gut-wrenching... I think I am gonna just have to pray this one out. Yep.

I am quite jumbled tonight, eh? I gues I don't really have a very clear thought pattern at the moment! Sooo.. yeah. I think that should be all for tonight.
