Ever since rugby season ended about a month ago I no longer have 2 nights at home to myself (my usual sit-down and blog sorta nights..) so the blog has gone to the wayside...
But now summer season is in swing and this means 2 nights a week alone at home again.
I feel like this one won't get as much attention as my usual ones.. due to my inept lack of focus as of late. I would swear I am losing it if I didn't know there was at least a "hormonal" reason for my forgetfulness (or at least that is what I am chosing to believe.) I am so not usually this way.. Its kind of funny how much can happen in a few weeks time and still not much has actually changed..
Like we went to Austin for a nice long weekend trip, full of rugby games which was awesome, but my favorite part? Visiting family. I hadn't seen most of those cousins in over 4 years.. Which if you know anything about my life in the past 4 years its that EVERY little thing that could possibly be different is now different. My braces are gone, I am no longer in high-school (or college for that matter), I am living in KC, married, and not to mention the tiny little man growing in my belly :) Even my walk with the Lord has drastically changed over the course of the past few years. I have always known who Jesus was, I have always believed in God, but truly lived for Him? Not til recently. And boy, am I ever glad He sent me to Kansas City.
There has been an immense presence of restlessness in Nic and I when it comes to remaining in KC. We both know there was a purpose for us meeting here, but are entirely unsure of whether or not our connection to KC goes any deeper than that.. We have been in the waiting process of finding out about Nic getting into the KCMO fire department for the better part of the 2 years we have known each other, and it feels like we haven't made any headway. Its like every time we think we take a step forward it comes with a 2 month long "wait" price tag. So not what we were thinking.. Its enough to make us question if it is the Lords helpful way of trying to get us to move on or if it is truly just a waiting period where we need to accept the fact that we can't always know the "right now." Needless to say, this is the one remaining thing in our 5 year plan that we had mapped out at the beginning of our marriage. Haha... It will be interesting to find if we had any of it right.
We just have so many dreams. SO many places we want to venture to. And places we want to live. Cities we want to visit. Songs we have yet to write that need to be sung. And yet, we're finding ourselves sorta in a standstill. And, like I said, we are feeling restless.
I wouldn't put it past us to just up and leave one day.
As for Hudson, he is doing very well. No complaints here! 26 weeks on Thursday.. That means big 3rd trimester is just around the corner and before I know it, I will we typing these in the middle of the night while trying to rock a baby to sleep :)
Can't hardly wait.