Monday, February 8, 2010

Sweet like sugar.

See- I told you I would get better at this!!Aren't you proud??

This week has been interesting in the most wonderful yet tough way. I am in the middle of a 21 day fast and it has taken a drastic turn in what I was called to be living without- it went from a meal a day every other day to one meal a day AND no makeup. This is day 5 without makeup and I feel so weird. Its not like I wear tons in the first place but you just cant understand the amount of confidence that comes with a couple layers of mascara and some blush! God is certainly doing a number on my heart with where I find my true value and beauty :)

Also, I am now a bit on the blind side- I can't afford to replace my contacts annnd my glasses somehow wound up snapped in half. So I have spent the last 4 days squinting and praying that I dont hit anything while I'm driving! Haha. Its terrible.. Maybe Jesus will just restore my sight to 20/15 and I won't have to worry about any of this!! Yeeeeah! That would be great! :)

My lack of sight has caused some epic headaches and this morning I was stuck in bed! Nic came over and brought ice cream, magic shell and some homemade chocolate chip cookies :) He spent the majority of the day snuggled up next to me tickling my back watching movies! He is so sweet.. I just can't hardly believe it! What have I done to deserve such a wonderful man!!?

I landed myself a job as a nanny this week- I will be watching a 6 year old girl Mon-Thur every week! Pick up from school and play and homework time til the later evening! I am really looking forward to it- I certainly hope my time spent with her will make for some blog worthy stories!

Yesterday, Nic and I spent the entire afternoon driving around KC going through his multitude of CDs and throwing away the ones that wouldn't play and laughing at the random mixes he had collected over the years! And then we went to a bookstore and browsed the devotional and relationship books, and then we went to a couple fancy apartment complexes and faked "apartment shopping" so we could see the insides. Haha. THEN we played at the coffee shop in Grandview- again we covered the Kanye West song, Heartless and it was spectacular. And even still- we went back to his place and made a stellar dinner with Shay, Tony squared and Josh!! Always a good day when I get to spend it at his side!

Now begins my hectic week of school, work, prayer room time and hopefully an ample amount of Nic time! Tomorror starts my very first 10 am- 10 pm day! Yikes!! Wish me luck :)


Monday, February 1, 2010


Its been a while, no??

My deepest apologies, truly..

As my dearest friend, Melissa, pointed out- I have been MIA since September and needless to say, LOTS has happened since then!

I guess I should start with the biggest change in my life and then go from there..

The seemingly perfect relationship that was Jake and Kristin came to a screeching halt early in October-- hate to say it was a long time coming but it really had been. We sorta started falling apart by about November of 08 and I feel like we maybe were just sticking it out for the very sake of convenience and that we had already thought we had out whole future worked out together! We just began to realize how much our lives really weren't lining up anymore (although we were FINALLY were living at least in the same area of the country!!) how much we weren't making each other happy and that although we had always said "forever" we never officially made the commitment- which meant there was still time to get out. Haha. Strange way to put it, but true. Anyways, it was a completely mutual split and we are still on speaking/friendly terms. I truly wish for his complete happiness and I know he will find someone who is perfect for exactly what he needs! We have both already moved onto new found loves..

Which brings me to Nic :) This man is wonderful and I am completely smitten. We started dating in November, although made "Facebook" official in December... Haha. Anyways.. He treats me even BETTER than the way my dad raised me to believe I needed to be treated.. He is handsome, talented, sweet, funny and we are amazing together! I love him already! Heck, I am IN love with him already.. Yay!! :)

My new school is going sooo well- my music classes are incredible. Both hard AND fun, I didn't really think that was possible! To top it off I have a theology class that completely wrecks me every time I go. I love it :) I still owe them like $2000, which is scary but I know God will provide. He makes a way when there seems to be no way, right?? Duh. :)

Uhmm.. lets see. What else?

My brother is getting married in May and I could not be more excited!! They make the cutest couple and I am sooooooooo pumped for the big day :) Bree and Matthew are going to make a beautiful family.

Uhhh.. I don't have very much to say, aside from, I give my solemn vow to be better at this blogging stuff. I'm gonna try for at least twice a month! Think I can do it?? I'm hoping yes :)
