Blogging, that is.
My life has taken on an entirely new pace and I love it. I'm no longer busy because of a work schedule or school schedule.. Nope, Jesus has taken over my schedule. And I mean that in the least sacreligious way possible. Haha!
I am in classes from 9am-noon daily. These classes, however, are NOTHING like typical university level classes. This is downright, get full of the Word, sermon style lessons. It feels like I go to church 6 days a week. (Saturday is my day off, can I get an AMEN for a Sabbath?! Haha) On top of these classes I have an extra FMA class- for the first 1/2 of the semester it is a class called "The Valuable Everyone." We've been studying all sorts of personality types and in turn have been learning how to communicate well with people who have entirely different personalities than our own. (This has ALREADY come in handy.. I met a couple people in my first days here and was absolutely DREADING being around them and I am to the point that I will gladly take part in a conversation. Haha) And the 2nd half of semester this will be a choir class. Woot :) And on top of THAT I am in our Global Prayer Room for 28 hours a week. I bumped that from our minimun requirement of 24 hours.. I never thought that being in a prayer room for 2-6hour blocks would really be something I could handle but I am growing to love it more and more each week! Crazy, I know.. :)
I moved into a 4plex and its amazing! I have 14 lady neighbors and 5 men neighbors. I would not have it any other way! We're like big family! We have weekly gatherings and fun times :) We had a sushi night, picnic day, and worship night(s)! I LOVE this place.
I have truly found my 'home' :)